Fundraising T-shirt and Vest Request Form

Please fill in the form below to request your Beat t-shirt or vest. Please make a suggested donation of £10 to help us cover the cost. 

Thank you so much for your support! 💜

Please note we cannot fulfil all requests, but we will try to accommodate as best as we can.

If you require a large amount of materials, a bulk order of t-shirts or need your materials within 7 days please contact us at [email protected]

About You:

About your fundraising:

About your request:

Keeping in touch

We'd love to keep in touch with you to tell you about our work in the fight against eating disorders and how you can help through fundraising, campaigning and volunteering opportunities.

Are you sure you don't want us to keep in touch? Our emails are not too frequent, and we'd love you to keep you informed about our work and other ways you can get involved.

We take your privacy seriously and will never sell or swap your details with anyone. You can find out more about how we protect and use your details in our Privacy Statement.

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