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Eating Disorders Literature Order Form

Thanks for your interest in our eating disorders leaflets and information packs.

To help us get things out to you as quickly as possible, please fill in your details below.

Please note our GP leaflet is currently out of stock, so you may receive it separately to the rest of your order. You can download a printer-friendly pdf via our website.

Personal details


Choose your leaflets

Please select the leaflets you require below:


Beat Info Pack
3 x 'About Beat' leaflets, 3 x Services Cards


2 x A4 poster

GP Leaflet
Limited to 1 per order


I'm Worried about Someone (for Under 18s)
Limited to 1 per order


Supporting someone with an eating disorder: A guide for friends and family
Limited to 1 per order

Keeping in touch

We'd love to keep in touch with you to tell you about our work in the fight against eating disorders and how you can help through fundraising, campaigning and volunteering opportunities.

Are you sure you don't want us to keep in touch? Our emails are not too frequent, and we'd love you to keep you informed about our work and other ways you can get involved.

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